Exception detected!

{{ exception.message|e|replace({"\n": '
'})|format_file_from_text }}

{{ status_code }} {{ status_text }} - {{ exception.class|abbr_class }}
{% set previous_count = exception.allPrevious|length %} {% if previous_count %}
{{ previous_count }} linked Exception{{ previous_count > 1 ? 's' : '' }}:
    {% for i, previous in exception.allPrevious %}
  • {{ previous.class|abbr_class }} »
  • {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% for position, e in exception.toarray %} {% include 'TwigBundle:Exception:traces.html.twig' with { 'exception': e, 'position': position, 'count': previous_count } only %} {% endfor %} {% if logger %}
{% spaceless %}

Logs  -

{% endspaceless %} {% if logger.counterrors %}
{{ logger.counterrors }} error{{ logger.counterrors > 1 ? 's' : ''}}
{% endif %}
{% include 'TwigBundle:Exception:logs.html.twig' with { 'logs': logger.logs } only %}
{% endif %} {% if currentContent %}
{% spaceless %}

Content of the Output  +

{% endspaceless %}
{% endif %}